Friday, January 16, 2009

TiVo be damned, I'll watch what I want

1. I don't like American Idol, but I loved it for 30 seconds. 

I can start this one off easy. I don't like the show, don't care who they are, dont care who wins, none of that. The show is of no use to me. But it did produce Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood and they turned out to be pretty darn cute! So when I am sitting in my awesome recliner and a girl comes into the audition wearing a bikini and heels I'm thinking two things: that is one smart girl and man are my pants getting tight around the zipper! Honestly, how did every other tramp with dreams of being more than Miss Hooters Scranton not get this  part of the equation right?? When the guy pulling the strings behind the show is a recently dumped self absorbed douche it should be obvious that your escalator to reality tv stardom rests between your shoulders and below your eyes! 
So I say congratulations Miss Who Ever in the Hell You Are! You've made it one step closer to filling that "Top 8" with people who care about your feelings and have your well being first in their mind! Click "Approve".

2. Knight Rider is 100% Velvetta

And I don't care one bit! I happen to be one of the 7 people who bought season one of the original Knight Rider on iTunes and after 14 minutes of research I came to a simple conclusion. So was the original! The Hoff and Mr. Feeney we're both equally as cheesy and that show lasted forever. The new show can't be well written and acted, then it wouldn't be true to the original. 
So a big slap on the ass to goes to Deanna Russo and the Val Kilmer impersonator's voice for keeping it real

3. Finally a reason to watch HGTV, (other than Amy Wynn Pastor)

Don't Sweat It  is a show that stars Steve Watson, the guy from Monster House.  This is the kind of contractor you want to show up at the house. Not scared of ripping the wall out, but knows how to put a bar and fully stocked "man room" in it's place. I couldn't tell you when this show is on, I let the DVR figure that one out. It would be in your best interest to catch this show. I like to watch it Sunday mornings in my recliner. It makes me feel so productive I can justify the nap I take shortly after the show. Man, this is tough work.

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