Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally, the REAL purpose for the iPod touch

There is an app for everything!!

You can pour and imaginary beer so you can fall into imaginary relapse and your imaginary wife can take imaginary Billy and Cindy to her imaginary mother-in-laws house until you clean up your act! There's an app that makes a cowbell 'ding' noise. You know, for those times you see Christopher Walken in a restaurant and you really want to ruin his meal in the most digitally annoying way possible. But finally I have seen the true nature behind the iPhone and iPod touch devices.  The "BulletFlight" app allows you to input various battleground conditions so you can accurately adjust and aim at that suspicious watermelon sitting on the fence 100 yards away.  

Not only did this disturb me but it really brought up a legal question in my mind.  What if some lunatic wanted to reach 150,000 points in his own personal version of grand theft auto by picking off shoppers in front of the piggly wiggly on double coupon day? Normally he wouldn't know how to dial in such a weapon, but with his handy dandy ipod touch that's no problem. A couple of finger swipes later and he's reaching four stars on the wanted gauge.

Or what if someone who should have a rifle like this, say law enforcement, has set up shop across the street from a hostage situation and uses this tool to adjust his weapon. He takes the shot and hits the civilian because he was dialed in wrong.  Wouldn't Apple be liable in both of these cases?

Just food for thought. Me personally, I'll stick to slinging plungers at non-suspecting rabbid rabbits. 


  1. No on the first. Otherwise anytime someone used a gun to kill someone, you could sue the gun manufacturer. Just because Apple makes it more efficient doesn't mean they can be sued.
    As for the second, maybe. It'd close enough that Apple would probably settle the case to avoid the negative publicity that would go with an ongoing lawsuit about this.

  2. Actually, most of these apps aren't made BY apple and they have a clause in their standard user agreement that they are not responsible for any content or programs that are downloaded to the device.
