Friday, February 27, 2009

Georgia: Nukeland, USA?

I recently had a conversation with one of my students and he told me about an abandoned underground air force base in north central georgia. The conversation was short lived because after he mentioned this I kicked him in the balls and gave him the stink eye. After I was done gloating about how awesome a teacher I was I decided to look even further into this and I'll be damned if he wasn't right. 

This is an area that use to be known as the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory. It was run by Lockheed and the Air Force, later in conjunction with UGA and Emory. In the 1950's the site was a lab trying to create a nuclear powered aircraft. That never came to fruition so instead they began testing how a nuclear bomb would affect the surrounding area. And how did they do this you might ask. They would go underground in this semi-secret base and proceed to lift a nuclear reactor (very similar to today's nuke plants) out from underground and activate it.

I know what your saying, "That sounds perfectly safe B why didn't I think of that?" Oh and it gets even more interesting, apparently in 1959 they successfully irradiated the dawson forest in an amount equal to a ground zero detonation of a nuclear bomb. That's a lot! 

What would someone do with such a gold mine of property like that? Well Lockheed sold it to the city of Atlanta and now it is a public forest. You can hunt there, go hiking, camping, etc. The remaining buildings have been toppled to foundations, the reactor buried (supposedly) and the underground base access buried and flooded. Now if you are a freak like me, this is too damn fascinating to not go see for yourself. So I think come better weather I'm gonna make a visit to the forest and check this stuff out. All of it except the one building left. You might ask, "But why not?" Because this mysterious building has been sealed with concrete and steel, (a little weird but okay) and it's still radiating!!!  (okay, it's not much, but still.)

Match this with the Savannah River Site, (read up and freak out) Vogtle Nuclear, and Hatch Nuclear and it's pretty clear that Georgia is atomic.....boogie woogie woogie.

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